Monday, June 30, 2008

Fun at the Beach!

For Father's Day, we all went and spent the day at the beach! It was totally fun (except for the resulting sunburn - in spite of sunscreen -ugh!)!!
See fun pics below------>
From L to R: Heather, Chris, Tim, Rob, Dylan(my nephew) Ben, and Emily :)The boys building sand fortress~

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Happy 19th Birthday Timmy!!!

Timmy turned 19 on Sunday, and as tradition, was awakened to the "Bear in the Big Blue House" version of Happy Birthday..blaring loudly! (if you haven't heard it, you's the BEST happy birthday song ever!!)

He also was greeted with the traditional birthday pancakes made in his age number...this year - 19!! Pretty easy for mom...(those 5's will kill ya, though - LOL!!)**Oh..and grits cause Timmy loves his grits**

Happy Birthday Timmy!! We love you and are so happy you were born!