Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Shopping with Em!


Coming July 2013 a new BABY!!!!!
Chris and Heather are expecting!! We will welcome our first grandchild in July!  I can't wait to be a Grandma!!

Emily's Dorm Room!

Here are a few pics of Em in her dorm room(front left in bottom pic) at Boston Conservatory - she is finished with her first semester and absolutely LOVES it!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Amazing my science discovery bottles on a wine rack!! This is a very sturdy rack that I will be spray painting and adding "discover bottles" lettering to it...I am very excited!  It was truly a great find at a thrift store for $15! I love re-purposing things!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Crafting with Emily - for her DORM ROOM!!!

We tied tulle to the 3 colors of ribbon and measured the line so it will fit over her bed in her dorm.  We painted and decorated the signs - (even her brother helped!) the clothespins will hold everything up!  

Here are some of the clothespins we painted and added cute adjective stickers and jewels!!! All ready for to hang her pics!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Update 2012

Chris and Heather engaged

Em accepted to Boston Conservatory

Tim working at Mercedes
Em graduating!

All 3 boys at Tim's 23rd birthday party!

Dads grave :(

Before wedding

Chris and Heather married!

It has been a long time since I updated this blog.  Since Ben graduated, he has been pursuing a degree in Computer Engineering from Florida Atlantic University.  Chris got married to Heather last March.  Tim and Chris both work as inventory managers at Mercedes of Delray Beach.  Emily graduated from Dreyfoos, auditioned and was accepted into the Boston Conservatory! She will leave in the Fall to study Vocal Performance.

My amazing father passed away suddenly 3 months ago.  They believe it was a heart attack.  He has just been at my house with the family the night before having our bi-weekly dinners.  The next day he was gone.  He is buried at the National Cemetery and I go there very often.  I miss him all the time.

Sorry the pics are out of order... :(